22 Nyalam Gompa With Mani Stones and Painted Stones of Vairocana, Padmasambhava as Loden Chogse, Vajrapani [22 of 26]
I passing painted mani stones as I start my circumambulation of Nyalam Gompa. In between the prayer wheels, I notice some painted stones. The first is the white Dhyani Buddha Vairocana (Tib. Namnang) with his hands in the teaching mudra. The second is Loden Chogse, one of the eight Padmasambhava manifestations, in the appearance of a prince, richly attired, holding aloft in the right hand a damaru drum and a skullcup in his left hand. The third is the blue Vajrapani (Tib. Chana Dorje) surrounded by wisdom fire, wearing a tiger skin, and holding a vajra (Tib dorje) in his right hand.